How can we help?
Our home-by-home plan using data to tackle housing decarbonisation
Housing Decarbonisation
We offer a consultancy service for local authorities, housing associations and private sector owners seeking to tackle the challenge of improving and decarbonising housing stock…
Do you have a strategy for EV charging in your area?
Future Mobility
DG Cities is becoming the leading UK authority on innovation in mobility and a specialist in gathering and understanding public attitudes to self-driving vehicles. We work on government-funded and local authority projects to harness the potential benefits of new transport solutions and technologies…
Are you working in local government and looking for straightforward, independent advice on the use of AI?
AI in Local Government
We demystify new offerings, identify and trial use cases where tools can have immediate benefits, we ensure ethical and behavioural considerations have been taken into account, we evaluate, monitor and keep a watching brief of the developing landscape to assess when new use cases become ready…
Are you a council looking to run an innovation pilot to understand the risks and benefits of a new approach?
Tech Innovation Pilots
We are experts in the delivery of successful technology pilots to help councils understand the opportunities and potential impacts of new approaches to decarbonisation, mobility and connectivity…
Are you independently evaluating the impact of your tech and decarbonisation programmes?
Impact & Evaluation
Our Monitoring & Evaluation solutions are tailored to help councils understand what works, and support better investment in strategies and programmes. Our service bridges a critical gap in the sector…
Are you using behavioural science to ensure the public benefits from new tech and services?
Behavioural Innovation
Our behavioural innovation team helps organisations deliver better outcomes by providing evidence for what really works when designing policies and services for communities, improving the efficiency and cost of initiatives, and demonstrating their impact…
Are you maximising the value of your council’s investment in connectivity?
Digital Greenwich Connect is a joint venture between DG Cities and technology partner, ITS to deliver ultrafast connectivity in Greenwich – this collaborative model with industry gives the council a competitive edge, supporting innovation and helping to deliver lasting value to residents and businesses…
Are you a local authority or developer looking to address issues holistically?
Neighbourhood Consulting
We bring strategic, place-based thinking to the complex issues facing local authorities, from transport, energy and the impacts of climate change to the decarbonisation of housing…