The future is autonomous
The Smart Mobility Living Lab (SMLL) is situated in the heart of London, with facilities in Greenwich and the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Is it Europe’s most advanced connected and autonomous mobility urban testbed, offering real-world testing and development of future mobility solutions.
The role of DG Cities
DG Cities played a critical role in building this national centre of excellence, leading the connectivity infrastructure requirements development and deployment, as well as the design and build of the physical facilities in Woolwich and Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. We also played a key role in interfacing with the relevant Local Authorities to deliver the testbed.
Why is this work important?
“DG Cities played a critical role in building this national centre of excellence, leading the connectivity infrastructure requirements development and deployment.”
Reliable and super fast digital connectivity networks will be a critical enabler of the future of connected and autonomous mobility. A wide variety of ‘connected cars’ already exist in the market. But as vehicle manufacturers and new mobility service providers move closer to full autonomy then the data generated by vehicles will be ever more complex
The fibre connectivity network built specifically for the SMLL was specifically designed to provide value to organisations that will use the SMLL to test their products and business models. The private fibre network provides data backhaul from the LIving Lab roadside monitoring locations to the SMLL data centres at Woolwich and Queen Elizabeth Olympic park from where is can be accessed by SMLL customers, enabling them to understand how their vehicles and products are performing out in the real world.