DG Cities

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A conversation with leading behavioural scientist and developer of Nudge+ theory, Sanchayan Banerjee

For our #nudgemonth series this October, we wanted to highlight the value of partnering with academia in our projects, how it helps us devise and trial innovative solutions and gives researchers real-world case studies – this approach is not restricted to behavioural science and applies to much of our work, from self-driving vehicles to technology.

We were delighted to have the chance to speak to Sanchayan Banerjee, Assistant Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Visiting Fellow at LSE and Kings College London, and developer of the influential Nudge+ economic and psychological theory. Here, he talks to DG Cities’ Behavioural Scientist, Isobel Madle about the limits of nudge, ethics, frustrations with ‘quick fix’ expectations, and the growing prominence of behavioural public policy.

You can watch the interview in full on our Vimeo channel: https://vimeo.com/759558072